Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Transplants and Potatos

Last Saturday I spend some  more time in the BUGS garden. Before arriving I was a bit concerned because was calling for rain, and I even packed my water resistant jacket. Although, I never had to even get it out of the car. Even when I arrived at 10 a.m. it a beautiful day, and I never saw any rain in the three hours I was there. Most of us had our jackets off within the hour.

 First thing we did we plant leeks, red onions and yellow onions from transplants. It was really relaxing just placing little plants in a row and covering the roots. Throughout the fairly long process we all chatted about our environmental class (mostly the test we just took), our majors, what we want to do in the future, where we were from, why we were interested in gardening and the upcoming Earth Week. It was a really nice time planting, chatting and enjoying the sun.

 While a few of us planted the onions and leeks others started on the potato planting. It was interesting to watch them cut up the seeding potatoes to bury in the ground.


While all of the service learners were planting Mike, the garden coordinator, laid irrigation around the garden for easy watering all summer. Irrigation tubing was also laid with the potatoes before burying them to ensure they get enough water all summer long.

Before we left we talking about the raspberry bushes, the black berry bushes, and where to find Huckleberries. So of course I left hungry, again. Being out in the garden and think about fresh produce all day, inspired me to head to the store and buy some vegetables to make my own homemade veggie soup.

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