Monday, May 9, 2011

This Saturday I got to the garden around 10, and there were already about five men at work. That is the first time I had seen anyone except the service learners out working. While the men did their thing we wandered around and looked at all the sprouts popping up everywhere! It was awesome to see our work lead to something. After a while of looking we got to seeding some more. Today we planted all of the squashes, cucumbers and okra. It was an open garden kind of day so mid way through the work some parents and kids came out to see the garden. Many of the kids were extremely enthusiastic. Two of them even helped the service learners water and plant. It was awesome. These kids were so excited. I hope they can get into the program for the summer. It was amazing to see the kids and somewhat see why the garden is actually there, and why we are our working.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Little Kids!

On Wednesday afternoon I went to the garden at about two. There was an enthusiastic class of children already running about when I arrived. First, the kids had a scavenger hunt to complete. They got to do things like find so many insects, collect seeds, find weeds, find something that could be ate,  and other garden-like things. After the scavenger hunt it was time to plant some flowers. Each kid planted 3 sunflower seeds and 3 marigold seeds. They were even taught how to collect their own marigold and sunflower seeds. The final part of the day was eating! A jerusalem artichoke, a root vegetable related to the sunflower, was cut up for everyone to eat. The kids loved it, and I got to leave with a bag full of this interesting vegetable. It was nice to see how enthusiastic the kids were to learn about food and gardens.