Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Blog Post

Service Learning Term: "Pre-Reflective"
Thoughts of the SL project before diving in... Asking questions such as:
Project did you sign up for? What do you already know about the project and what do you hope to learn during your service with this agency?
My service learning project is with the organization BUGS. I know that this organization plants food, and allow kids during the summer to care for the crops, cook with the produce and sell the produce. The try to inform kids of where their food comes from. I hope to learn more about growing food locally.
Did you choose this Service Learning Project over the others? 
I love to garden, but I always move back to Idaho Falls in the summer. The weather there doesn't allow us to start a garden until late May or sometime early June. So I thought it would be fun to be able to get outside and do some garden work before that.

Will your service with this agency help you retain what you've learned in ENVSTD121?
It will really help me remember all of the information on food and agriculture. It will help with remembering about GMOs, organic growing and growing locally.